We are the GAD NOVA group, bringing the power of spatial intelligence to digital space of every business. Full service contracting and consulting firm, specialized in complete spectrum of GIS Systems, from imagery to web based applications. We can transform your data into spatially mapped application for easy access of data. User friendly and easy to use since you are only a few clicks away from your data.
AI powered geospatial analytics
Powerful artificial intelligence based geospatial analytics for building applications through predictive modelling. Enabling automation of information extraction, deliver real-time geospatial insights in emergency situations, or planning for future developments.
Empowering next gen 3D
Taking GIS applications to next generation with 3D visualization applications. Ability to view information in all dimensions to fully capture the real world statistics of the data.
Data Integration and Spatial
Integrating data into GIS through all digital footprints of data. Providing the system, ability to capture data in more than one form. Empowers real time data integrations from field to office.
Next-Gen Geo AI
IOT of Geo AI enables devices in digital space. Track and control all devices through IOT. Powerful AI combined with Geospatial data is the next generation of IOT.
Location based marketing and content personalization
Geotargeting is used to determine the location of a user, to then serve them personalized messaging based on their location. If a consumer has opted in to let an app access their location, they may get messages in the app or push notifications based on region or proximity to a store.
Mobile targeting occurs when marketers target consumers with ads on their mobile devices. Because consumers typically want to avoid advertising, marketers aim to make their ads context specific, which can be based on time, device, or location.